Shut it down!! Hi VA Los Angeles Real Talk…

The next few hours will be very important in where we go as a nation. If we continue with this status quo, every Veteran and Federal employee will continue to be excoriated by this foolish administration.

I came from the LA VA, Hi Emmett O Meara and Anthony Alvarez. What started happening when all this mess started was leadership that ignored our questions. Leadership that when asked tough questions they would provide a “we know what you know, sorry” Sure! I now know that they all knew and didn’t care. I’m proud of the many that have stood up like me and are fighting these illegal DOGE terminations.

In the end; we will all be better off for fighting. This is why I want a shutdown. Far too many VA employees like other agencies are too scared to speak. Who does that benefit! Nobody! I speak to people in LA that say people “act” like business as usual, yet no work is being done because people are too afraid to even work.

Shutdown this mess and take away the car power from Elmo of destroying this damn nation. If we have to rely on failed leaders at these agencies or the scared employees that say nothing .. We lost already.