Baked potato concern

Hello! I made baked potatoes in foil last night and left them on the counter to cool still in the foil like an idiot. I’m pregnant and forgetful at this point. I went upstairs to shower and get ready for bed and my husband at some point put them in the fridge still in the aluminum foil. He came to be around 4-5 hours after dinner so the potatoes were out at max 5 hours, but I’m assuming more around 4. I packed a potato for lunch today, opened the foil and realized the potato was really wet with condensation, I assumed just from the cooking and cooling and slapped it on a plate with some chicken nuggets (it’s hard to eat real food right now this point in pregnancy lol). The potato and potato liquid definitely touched some nugs. I heated those bad boys and the potato for 3 minutes. I ate the nuggets but felt mehhh about the potato after realizing that oh crap I could have botulism. I boxed back up the potato and will throw it out. My questions, am I still at risk since I ate nuggets touching the potato? 32 weeks pregnant and really worried i may have may a huge mistake here. What is the likelihood the potato may have had botulism? Should I get a new lunch bag or how contagious is botulism in the fridge or lunch bag? Thank you!!!