What did you TRULY think the first time you heard this?

The year was 1994. Motley Crue hadn’t released a full length studio release in almost 5 years.

The band had parted ways with Vince Neil 2 years earlier. He had already released his first solo album “Exposed” in 1993.

We were all starving for new music from The Crue.

The VJ on my local video show had teased it a week earlier. We were finally gonna hear the “NEW” Motley Crue!

So what did I think??? I’ll be honest… I didn’t hate it. It hated that Vince wasn’t in the band anymore but by 1994 I was already listening to a lot of heavier music… as well as grunge.

The album eventually ended up in the “bargain bin” at most record stores but I think over time it has been accepted for what it was. A great record… but it WASN’T Motley Crue!!!

So… be HONEST! What did YOU think the first time you heard this song? Where were you? Did you like it or were you just too pissed that the Motley Crue we all knew and loved was no more?