Just watched “In A Violent Nature”

I found out about this movie from a friend only a few hours before I went to see it, so I was able to go in completely blind aside from getting a vague premise.

Overall, I thought it was alright but the entire “gimmick” that the movie hinges on was stretched a bit too thin for me. There’s a particularly dull and drawn out sequence in the final act that I was just begging to be over.

However, it wasn’t all boring and it did have some solid bits of comedy due to the silly framing of things when being viewed from the killer’s perspective. Maybe sometimes the humor was slightly unintentional but I’m not sure. for instance: I found the scenes of Johnny going on peaceful strolls through the woods after every kill were pretty funny. Not sure if it was meant to be though.

But what really stood out were the KILLS. Now, I’ve seen my fair share of horror movies. Just about every hyper visceral gorefest under the sun. Despite that, I was still genuinely shocked by how grotesque and over the top one of the kills was, and it was wildly creative compared to the average slasher.

The other deaths were somewhat familiar as far as slashers go, but the effects were really well done and they had a nice dosage of cheese sprinkled in that I appreciated.

I would recommend it based purely on those scenes, but the whole package is relatively enjoyable too. There is a lot of down time between kills though and I feel like they could’ve done more during those scenes.