You get 10k usd monthly if you become a vegetarian for the rest of your life. Yes or no?
Scientists want to study the lifelong effects of being a vegetarian and of being a non-vegetarian. You will get 10k usd monthly to become a vegetarian for the rest of your life. If you are already a vegetarian, you will get 10k usd monthly to stop being a vegetarian for the rest of your life.
Same applies to vegans and all the other -arians. For simplicity purpose, let's assume at it's basic level you have two options: the first is an animal protein free diet and the second includes animal protein diet. If you choose to become a vegetarian, you will eat non-animal products daily and if you choose to become a non-vegetarian you will eat animal products daily. There are no loopholes. Once you commit to this scientific study, there is no going back on your choice. You will get 10k usd tax free monthly if you choose to become a vegetarian or if you choose to stop being one.
What do you choose?
edit: many people are getting confused and trying to go against the spirit of the challenge by challenging the meaning of vegetarianism. Veganism is one type of vegetarianism and is the most strict vegetarian diet out there. This challenge covers all types of vegetarianism, included veganism.