Math 143 Pre calc

looking for advice from people who have taken Math 143(0) aka Pre calc with Susan Johnson. i’m graduating this december and im only taking this course since it’s required for my CALS major. is it possible to pass with a D- as long as i keep doing the homework each week for full credit? There are weekly quizzes for 10% of our grade and we now have had 7 quizzes but ive only been able to take one of them and got a 2/10 on it. what’s strange to me is the attendance in lecture is weighted more than our quizzes are.. I show up to lecture regularly and probably only missed 4 times so far. exam one didn’t go well either and i got a 12/52.. so yes currently failing the class.. any insight is appreciated. math has never been something that has come easy to me and i’m feeling very confused and isolated but still doing a lot better than i’ve seen myself perform in my past so i must be doing something right