iDon’t Want to Fight: Who’s side are you on?

For those who need a refresher on this episode, this one is about Carly and Sam where they start an argument after Sam traded the iCarly T-shirt Carly made for her as a gift for their 5 year anniversary of their friendship for concert tickets. During one of the webshows, Freddie serves as a mediator where he has both Carly and Sam present their sides of the situation so that their audience can debate and vote on who they think is right. After the webshow, Freddie reads out the poll results, which were the following:

Carly: 705

Sam: 673

Both are acting dumb and should make up and be friends: ~ 250K votes

While it was nice both of them made up quickly and their audience also felt that they shouldn’t be fighting over something so trivial, I would like to see where you fall in terms of which side you fall on (excluding the last option).

For me, I’ve always been on Sam’s side of the situation for a few reasons:

  1. Like Sam mentioned, the way Carly casually saying, “it’s no big deal” when she gave her the gift, I couldn’t blame Sam for interpreting that in the way she did. Apparently during the fight, Carly tries to argue in which that’s how common it is for anyone to say “it’s no big deal” when you give something to someone close to them, but it actually meaning it’s “always a big deal” when they say it’s no big deal.

  2. I could never understand why Carly would easily turn down FREE concert tickets to see her favorite band with her best friend. While I understand that Carly worked hard to make the shirt for Sam (and I’m not trying to undervalue hardwork on a gift because it’s nice Carly actually made it herself), it is essentially just a T-shirt that she can always make again. On the other hand, concert tickets (let alone FREE tickets) are much harder to get and you don’t get as many opportunities to see concerts. They were all sold out and Sam was able to get them for free but needed to trade her shirt for it. Going to see your favorite band at a concert with your best friend would create amazing memories to cherish and you never know if you would ever get another chance at that again. What if the band ended up disbanding several years later? What if one of the band members left or passed away? What if the band stopped doing concerts in the future? What if you don’t get as many chances to attend a concert for free (and especially with your best friend since timing can affect things in terms of schedules)? I would much rather go to a concert to celebrate an anniversary of a friendship with my best friend rather than fight over a freakin’ T-shirt lol.