Guys I turned 21 Today!!

Yes, Happy Birthday to me, LOL. I'm here to share my day today, cuz felt like sharing. Every year the perspective of celebrating birthday changes. For me I have always dreamt of having alone time on my birthday. Today was that. Only me and my dog. It was such a beautiful experience. Even though I told my family not to deliver any cake or anything, but they still did. I miss them as I'm away rn. I'm so thankful for everything rn and content with peace.

Also as I turned 21, please give some advices to me that u would have told ur Junior, I would be forever be thankful.

Yes, Happy Birthday to me, LOL. I'm here to share my day today, cuz felt like sharing. Every year the perspective of celebrating birthday changes. For me I have always dreamt of having alone time on my birthday. Today was that. Only me and my dog. It was such a beautiful experience. Even though I told my family not to deliver any cake or anything, but they still did. I miss them as I'm away rn. I'm so thankful for everything rn and content with peace.

Also as I turned 21, please give some advices to me that u would have told ur Junior, I would be forever be thankful.