Joint saving
Recently bought a house with my partner, haven't set up a joint account or anything yet. My partner hasn't really lived away from home before so I've allowed a year for us to figure out costs and lifestyle etc. I make a bit more than her but can't save much whereas I just found out she's been saving a grand a month while I've been having to dip into my savings almost every month to pay bills etc.
How do couples get on the same page? I've asked some of the older lads at work and they all say the same thing 'get used to it/it's the man's job to pay all the bills'
I'm not interested in sexist roles, I do the majority of cooking and cleaning and make more money so I expect all of our costs to be 50/50.
(Note: my partner isn't hiding the money or anything and will pay for things when I ask her to, I just don't want to keep asking her constantly to fork out, feel like she just know/offer at this stage?)