Historical Landmarks, Trails, and Monuments in and around Kansas City, Mo (1938)
Map created for the American Pioneer Trails Association with historical data provided by the Native Sons of Kansas City, Missouri, showing the locations of historical landmarks in the area. A Kawsmouth Chronology printed on the left hand side of the map provides a list of important dates in Kansas City history. Description and image from: https://kchistory.org/islandora/object/kchistory%3A130768.
Map created for the American Pioneer Trails Association with historical data provided by the Native Sons of Kansas City, Missouri, showing the locations of historical landmarks in the area. A Kawsmouth Chronology printed on the left hand side of the map provides a list of important dates in Kansas City history. Description and image from: https://kchistory.org/islandora/object/kchistory%3A130768.