Lockpicking continues to be the bane of my existence
Dude seriously wtf I'm at my witts end with this shit. Loved the last game LOVED it, FUCKING hated anything to do with lock picking. Now im playing 2 and im loving right up to the point where I'm stuck at a part of the where lock picking is pretty much a necessity and I'm can't pick a "very easy" lock i have 1 lock pick and a save from 20 minutes ago and I want to put my contoller through my television screen. It there an easy hack for this because I'm at the point of frustration that I may just abandon the whole god damn game over it
Edit: plugged in a mouse to my xbox completed in my 1st try. Fuck a dog for making this shit impossible on controller for the 2nd game in a row, do better.
Edit fucking #2: having fought through all of the previous frustrations the game crashes to the God damn dash board before I can even get through the alchemy that immediately proceeds my previous frustration. THIS GAME IS NOW OFFICIALLY ON MY BACK BURNER until whomever fingers are removed from there ass. There's far, far too much else to play this month to be dealing with this frustrating bullshit, GOOD DAY.