[KCD2] How To Master The Master Strike

Hello fellow Henrys, just wanted to take some time and give some new players and seasoned players alike a priceless sword fighting tip! If you havent noticed already when your enemy blocks your attack they reposte from a fixed direction. I know Tom Cat mentions this but doesnt touch up on it at all, so here goes.

If you attack from the right, the reposte will come from their left.

If you attack from the left, the reposte will come from the up direction.

If you attack up or down, the reposte will come from their right.

With this in mind implement master strikes and practice in the arena. Also recognize what is, and what isnt a reposte. A reposte will come out immediately and from those fixed directions with respect to your attack. If theres any pause at all, its not a reposte and the attack direction may be random. Hope this helps!