How to play vs Vayne on top
I am s2 player, just started playing league in late 2019. I’m main Urgot and I win my lane about 70% of the time but I have never won vs Vayne. Sometimes I’m able to use flash and quickly use disdain to stun her and get a kill but this tactic is 40% effective and it involves burning my flash so even if I kill her, she will come back and this time I don’t have flash. I tried to play defensive and just freeze the lane but she is punishing me hard for even thinking about getting close to my minions. Most of the time if I play vs Vayne i am something like 1/4/0 and have 50 less cs at the end of the lane phase. I can’t ban her because I have to ban Darius as always, because that champ is broken vs not only me but the rest of my team and even if I menage not to feed him to much he will quickly bounce back just as he start to roam. What do I do wrong?
Ps. Sorry if my English isn’t perfect, I’m not a native.