How do I evict my common-law spouse?

My partner and I have been in an on and off relationship for the past 18 years, but for the past 6 years we have been living together in a rental apartment. The lease is in my name but he does pay for groceries and extracurriculars for my daughter. She is 16 years old.

He has been verbally abusive for years, but I stayed with him because I thought its important for my daughter to grow up with two parents. I have always been the main contributor in our household, he cannot hold down a job for more than a year, and up until recently he was unemployed. He also claims he can no longer leave the house due to his allergies. His eyesight is also quickly deteriorating.

We have been separated for two years now and have been living as roomates, but now I have essentially become his caretaker while he continues to torment both me and my daughter until we are both in tears. He refuses to leave our apartment even though I have been telling him for the past two years that I don’t want him here. My daughter wants to cut contact with him entirely as soon as possible, but I am worried that if I pursue legal action he will end up homeless or unable to care for himself.

I assume legal action is the only way to go about this, but I’m not sure where to start? A lawyer isn’t really within my budget right now and if I speak to him about this he will just start yelling again. We have not spoken to him in 2 days since his last outburst.

Any advice is appreciated.