Ever so radiant

So radiant, an aura that sooths the soul. The calmness to my entity; the same way the rain at night hits the window. So therapeutic, creating a silence to my demons.

You're so much more than my calmness though. You've become my reasoning, the person who clears the fog whenever the path is lost. Such positively, determination and pure morals. It really is mesmerising to see; always watching for the smallest of details.

Gorgeous, at least that's the way i see you. The way your voice goes quiet as your head tilts down. Your eyes widen as your fingers touch. Don't be shy, ask away. I'll always do anything you ask. If I cannot, it doesn't mean I won't at least give it a try. That's because to see smile from one chubby cheek to the other is sight unmatched.

You know how when the sun hits the sea in a warm summers day? The reflecting sun sparkling as the waves move. Well, that's the place those crystal blue eyes take me. As we both know, I'm a lover of the sun. A lover of the beach as I admire the sea. A lover of yours that admires the beauty in your eyes.

Luckily for me, beautiful isn't all you offer. As for that temple of yours..... A figure that makes heads turns. However, I'd choose to sit face to face everytime. Taking in every second I can get becasue if I never can again, I'd regret all the seconds I'd have missed.

Beautiful, smart, strong with a heart of gold.

I love you, the pea to my carrot 🥕