Sweetest pea

My sweetest pea, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Finally, all the weight has lifted. I'm sorry too, for the pain caused due to my past. Such a fool, how the fog blinded what was in front of me. The answer to all my problems. Trust however doesn't come easy, too good to be true ? No, not you. Simply to good for this world.

The moment I saw your face light up when holding that snow globe. A smile, your smile. The smile that was shown not only through yours lips. It was shown through your entire soul. I felt it, a feeling like no other. To actually feel truly content. The purpose my soul bled for; your smile.

For the first time, I struggled to hold back my tears. So that's how it feels to shed tears of happiness? Wow, I now see why you're so kind. Why positivity filled with thoughtfulness is your nature. Truly, the most selfless person I've ever encountered.

It's now clear to me, I cannot ever lose you. Everytime you pick up the snow globe the sparkled smile never differs. How your head tucks itself to hide the excitement. The eyebrows rise, eyes widen as your lips grin ear to ear.

Thankyou for being the one person who didn't leave. The only person who's been able to crack the shell to my being. A comfort which I've never felt; walls built up so thick. No door nor windows, impossible to breach. However, when I look up, there you are. Somehow you just walked right through. I'm so glad we met.

Is this what it feels like to no longer feel alone?

I am sorry, sorry will never be enough though. I'm so thankful yet thanking will never be enough. I see life so differently now, from a different lightened prespective. It's truly amazing the impact one person can have.

Simply life changing, words will never express how much i love you. However I'll ensure its felt every single day for the rest of my life.
