Controversial take: Stop reccomending shotguns
I want to preface that yes shotguns are simple, reliable, cost-effective, shell versatility, minimal over-penetration and law friendly no matter what state you are in.
However I think an oversight of reccomending shotguns to especially new gun owners is the minimized effectiveness and the learning curve if you are to be firing more than 8 rounds.
Yes it's a great home defense if someone invades your home, no argument on that but if you have someone who has just gotten into firearms and likely doesn't train that much if they need more than what's in the tube are they gonna be effective at dual loading shells, one arm firing and pumping, and match-saver reloads? I think shotguns a simple and straightforward but there is a difference between operating a shotgun and being proficient with a shotgun.
I would much rather reccomend any mag fed PCC or a AR, or even a lever gun in. .357, .44 or .3030 if you can't get semi-autos.