replacing the manual/oral fixation/addiction

please- no sexual inuendos…this a legit post

I’ve often said my sinus issues have saved me from being a smoker. I hate cigarettes but I would totally be addicted to the physical act of smoking. Keeping my hands/mouth busy with a cigarette instead of food.

Im a horrible night snacker…I dont eat all day (I know), I drink coffee, and I eat a small meal or two for sustenance. Im never actually hungry…however, at night…I start to hunt almost obsessively for snacks……wth? Ex: I just had grapes, pumpkin seeds, and ice cream.

It gotten worse after my divorce, and now I think I have a sugar addiction + the keeping hands/mouth busy.

I think I need to temporarily replace it with something…(going to go to the gym at 11pm at night is not an option). Anyone go through this? ideas?