Habits of naturally thin people
I just read a book about Jane Goodall (primatologist) and she talks about how little and frugal she eats. Apart from being vegetarian, she's not on any diet or calorie counting, doing intermittent fasting or whatever is popular these days. Her motto is simply ''everything in moderation''. She just doesn't eat much and has remained quite fit and healthy her whole life. I became very intrigued about how it just seems so natural to her and why it isn't for a lot of people who struggle with their weight.
I started to be curious about the habits of naturally thin people. Maybe dieting isn't the right mentality to have and that we need to change our entire relationship with food. Maybe we can live on much less food than we are used to and we just have to retrain our minds and change our habits.
What habits have you noticed about your thin friends, colleagues, family members, relatives ect ?