My (4th rewatch) girlfriend (1st timer) has an "unfortunate" favorite character...

Finally getting around to showing the love of my life this fantastic show. She's hooked. She loves running her theories by me and gauging my facial expressions (I never respond verbally lest I give something away in my tone). The only issue we have with it is that she LOVES Locke.

I don't just mean obsessed with his episodes and his personality, because we've all been there. She's enthralled. She audibly celebrates every time he's onscreen. She constantly sends me tiktoks and memes about him. When Helen left him, she cried. When he went in the wheelchair, she cried. When Ben shot him, she cried HARD. Complete waterworks.

The worst is when she said, verbatim, "If anything ever happens to John Locke I'm never watching this show again, I'm not kidding."

We are halfway through season four, and Jeremy Bentham is fast-approachong. What do I do??? How can I possibly prepare her for the complete misery she's about to endure? I've never felt such raw doom. Do I say anything? Do I gaslight her and pretend the show never existed? Lobotomy? Is there a single correct course of action here, or do I just let her feel horrible, unending pain?

tl;dr: My girlfriend is going to be completely crushed by Locke's death and there's absolutely nothing I can do.