Ola's manipulation

I've seen a bunch of people on here complain about Jakob and Oscar playing games but I don't think any of them did anything as bad as what Ola did with Oscar and Milly

I may have misunderstood the whole thing since no one else is saying anything about it but this was the sequence of events as I understood it; Ola realizes things are progressing between Oscar and Milly, he decides to actively hide from Oscar that he is dating Milly, proceeds to tell Oscar that he "might not want to rush things" (roughly idiomatically translated) when Oscar tells him about it while advicing him to essentially think twice, Oscar thinks twice and (ironically, in a rush) decides he's gonna get together with Alicia instead, Oscar and Milly stop dating, Milly feels sad and disappointed, just in time for her date with Ola, who comforts and supports her. Suddenly, Ola's her "hero"

Am I the only one who saw this? When they talk about how Ola handled it later Oscar just seems grateful and basically says "oh he's a great guy for not involving himself in our dates", but to me it all seemed like a clear sneaky game to "win" Milly. This is also in my opinion morally way worse than Jakob's impulsive and egotistical but likely just accidental playing double