My research on the upcoming referendums (there's 4)

There are four referendums on the ballot. This sub has been a buzz with conversation about them, which is great because it prodded me to do more research. I watched recorded referenda sessions on the MMSD website, read the facilities report & website content, and found many articles. Here's what I found:

  1. The first referendum is about voter eligibility and was proposed by republicans. It is a one word change and I'll be voting no.

  2. Next referendum is a city of Madison to increase taxes. The city's website is extremely informative. I learned that Madison receives a much lower amount of shared revenue from the state as compared to other cities. I especially found the "sustainable budget plan for Madison" from the mayor helpful. She lays out the steps taken since 2012 to address the budget deficit. The cost is $5 per month for every $100k of home value. I will be voting yes (and I'll be voting for state legislators that fix this problem going forward).

  3. Next up is the first school district question (note there are TWO separate school district referendum questions). The first is an operational referendum to invest in 4k, staff salaries/benefits, and extracurriculars. I will be voting yes.

  4. Last is the BIG referendum to address the MMSD facilities. There is a facilities report that demonstrates the schools are old. 40 out of 52 buildings received a C or D grade. However, I learned through the presentation and website that this $507 million is for ten specific schools and renovates or re-builds seven sites. Five of those sites are new build projects. I'll be voting no and here's why:

  • Enrollment will likely decrease** and building five new projects (that would include eight schools with combine elementary & middle) does not make sense to me
  • This is not the right time. We are experiencing a cost of living crisis and it is simply not the time. I cannot vote for both and the operations one seems more important.
  • I foresee future facilities referendums because this doesnt even address all the issues. In 2020 there was a referendum to renovate the high schools. It passed. The facilities report shows that there is more to fix, which leads me to believe the school board is ask a question like this every few years. I need to see a comprehensive plan instead of a pattern of raising taxes again and again. Although, I recognize the school board is limited in their ability to find funding.

** The enrollment decline is part of the problem because the student decrease also means a decrease in state revenue. So part of this problem is the fault of the state legislature and school districts elsewhere are having this problem too. Again, I understand the board is in a tough position.

My general thoughts after watching the presentation recordings:

  • Bob Soldner is great at explaining the context of school funding.
  • The questions and attendees at the presentation made clear there are a lot of concerns with this referendum within the community. Most of the discussion was focused on the facilities. I'm hypothesizing there is more support for the operational one?
  • Air conditioning has been mentioned multiple times and I'm sure schools are uncomfortable. I'm not thrilled to be voting down the facilities referendum, I want good schools but the operations seemed like the priority.
  • I'm sharing this as a summary of what I have learned. I'm sure there will be more posts about this topic as we move closer to the election and I'm thankful to live in a city where people care.