Joseph Smith Short Film Input
I’m researching for a short film with a small production company, focusing on Joseph Smith’s life, including his cons, scams, and crimes, as well as the absurd and harmful aspects of Mormonism. I know that sounds alarming, but hear me out. I’m posting this here because I want to be as unbiased as possible. While it’s not a straightforward documentary, we’re taking a creative approach with historical accuracy. I’ve gotten a lot of information from sources outside the church, but now I’m reaching out to people from within the church to help check whether the outside sources might be exaggerating due to pain from their experiences. I’m making the film either way, but this is a chance to get some input. I’ve spent time in the church, read No Man Knows My History and Rough Stone Rolling, watched The Mormons (PBS), South Park, The Book of Mormon musical, and listened to podcasts like LPOTL and Naked Mormonism. I’ve also conducted interviews and plan more.
If you have recommendations on materials or key aspects I shouldn’t overlook, I’d appreciate it. I understand how different the church is now, but I have empathy for those hurt along the way. I also believe sunlight is the best disinfectant, and people will find the truth entertaining. Some may disregard the cons and crimes, really like Joseph Smith, and join the church.