Hot take from a New Englander pt. 2
So for those who didn't see my post from yesterday, I recently wrote about how 28 degrees is "not that cold" for a New Englander as long as it's not windy.
Well, it's gotten to a new level.
On a weekend ski trip with some friends. We wake up real early to hit the slopes before the crowds. Up at seven, got off the slopes at 8:30 for breakfast. I say to my buddies, "It feels pretty warm, my face isn't even that cold". So, I check the weather.
15 degrees.
For context, I was very bundled up, but was not sweating at all, and even my uncovered face felt not too cold. I wasn't wearing a balaclava or any other face covering.
So New England, we have officially reached a new low (no pun intended). 15 degrees being warm. Want to hear what the midwesterners have to say about this!