Need some ideas to fix these leaks

2020 Titan XD with a Leer 100XR cap. Found my bedding completely soaked through after a couple days in the PNW. The leaks are coming in from the top of the window and all along the bottom/rear. Waiting to hear back from Leer if they’ll help me out with new seals. In the meantime, I’ve re-tightened the screws all along the windows, and got some RV/window silicone as a backup. Willing to pull the windows apart to re-bead the entire seal, but wouldn’t mind a faster/easier fix if any of y’all have input.

I’m lucky in that I have lodgings until the end of the month, and have been able to dry out the bedding. But after that, I’m living out of the back of this for two more months for out of state work.

Last pic is of the sleeping arrangement, and why it sucks that it got soaked.

Thanks in advance.