Anyone willing to share how they kept their faith in the face of chronic illness or loss of a loved one?
Someone important to me, who is very young and innocent, has a chronic illness that is significantly impacting her capacity to live the life she aspires to live. She’s worked so hard to get where she is but the pain, brain fog, etc is too much for her. I sat with her yesterday while she cried, and just held space for her. However, it made me so angry with the gods. How could they allow for such a young person to have her dreams shattered? I’m looking for answers from someone with a lived experience in grief, or chronic illness of a loved one, I’d love to hear how you kept your faith. I don’t want to lose my spirituality because it’s been so meaningful but it’s really being tested now. For reference, I follow the Celtic pantheon. This is all especially difficult for me because the Morrigan is one of my primary deities, her association with death feels particularly uncomfortable currently. Please don’t answer with something like “she did something bad in her past life and now she’s suffering the consequences.” That is cruel and despicable.