What Is Your Definition Of Mix-Packing?

I am curious what everyone's personal definition of mixpacking is as I have seen it vary greatly from person to person. Some people believe any mixing off different species in a group, even of the same diet, is mixpacking. Others only really use the term mixpackers to refer to carnis and herbs teaming up and being aggro/kos. I think most people have a definition somewhere in the middle, which is where I stand. I only play official, and I use the term mixpack mainly when referring to large groups of adult herbs and carnis together as they break the balance of PvP when fighting as a non-mixpack. I dont mind dinos being friendly with the opposite diet, especially when growing babies, I just dont want large groups of adults teaming up as I believe it ruins the enjoyment of PvP.

Whats your definition and what are some other opinions in general you have about mixpacking? Im curious about what the community defines mixpacking as. Im working on a video breaking down mixpacking as a whole so in an effort to be as informed as possible this is my attempt at getting some data.