9 weeks and SUFFERING with nausea
How do I get through this nausea? This is my first pregnancy. It is 24/7. Day and night with no relief. It’s been like this since 5 weeks. I’ve done all my doctors recommended tips and nothing is helping. She said drink 90 ounces of water, no sugary drinks, no crackers, no starches, no breads, no rices, no noodles, no sweets, no preservatives, no potato’s, no granola bars or nuts to eat strictly protein, meat, yogurt/cottage cheese and veggies. Like I am TRYING to eat the veggies and protein and stuff she’s recommending “proven to alleviate all nausea and vomiting” (her words) but it just makes me throw up and I’m miserable. My food aversions are of meat, warm foods, crunchy foods, soft foods, anything dairy. Like currently I’m sustaining this baby on liquids. I’m drinking freaking Ensure rn because I can not for the life of me keep anything down. If anyone has any nausea tips PLEASEEEEEE help a girl out😭