How do I protect myself best against a stalker?
Hello everyone, unfortunately I’ve been facing a stalker issue for the last ~5 years (has been reported to the police multiple times, they cannot do much for online stalking).
Currently he only spams my email but has also harassed me (and my friends) on multiple platforms by creating multiple accounts that I keep blocking ofc.
Recently as I’ve had some jobs, my name has been on the internet (my job’s website) and my stalker has threatened to email my employer and basically badmouth me (has previously messaged my university to do the same and made up wild stories).
I wonder if there are any extra steps I can take to protect myself? Ways to completely remove my name from searches? Ways to block an email (that arent just sending it to spam)?
Should I just shift all my accounts and delete my current email? (I’ve done this once before, but he got to my second email) Should I warn potential employers about his existence? Should I change my phone number?
I’m in Europe btw if it matters.
As I go on in my career and life I am scared about potential consequences this person can have on me. If he finds out anything about me on the internet he can use it against me however he wants. And because I am in a field where my name could be published on the internet I am often in fear that he will try showing up and ruining whatever good I have going for me.
Any advice is appreciated.