Are the 3yr & 5yr deals transferrable?
Since 2012, I've been renewing on a yearly basis. I'm currently up for renewal this Friday. I've been reading about recent changes to the way they do business and am attempting to set myself up for success. Normally I would just call to renegotiate a few days before my renewal date, but I'm reading that they no longer issue partial credits so I've cancelled my sub and the chat bot told me I can enjoy my sub until Friday. Okiedokie. Seems I'll be ready and able to sign up for a new deal this weekend.
I am planning on trading my 2014 F150 in on a newer model in a few months.. probably May/June-ish. I've successfully transferred my SXM sub from one truck to another in the past without any issues.
But now.. about these multi-year deals I've been reading about. I've been on the $60/yr deal for the last few years but have had to call annually so I *really* like the idea of not having to do the yearly song and dance! I'm considering either the 3yrs for $99 and the 5yrs for $150 deals.
The 3yrs for $99: what is the total amount due for this option? $99? Or $99 plus taxes, royalties & fees? Will I pay for the 3yrs in advance as a one time charge at the time I agree and signup? Or is this spaced out over the 3 year period?
Same questions for the 5yrs for $150: what is the final total I'll pay for this? And is it a one time charge, paying for the entire 5 years all at once in advance?
Can anyone who has signed up for either of these tell me if, in the fine print of the details they send in the chat, is there any mention that these can or cannot be transferred to another vehicle? I would imagine they should be able to transfer since they no longer do the partial credits/refund and especially if you are paying for the entire term in advance.
Also.. are there any known restrictions for signing up for these plans? I've read a lot of comments saying they were only available on certain model years? Does anyone know what the cut off is? Or is it completely random (like most things SXM related lol) and it just comes down to which rep you get or the mood your rep is in? If it helps, I've been looking at 2020-2024 models for my new truck.
Like I said, I've searched the forum and have read as many related posts as I could find, but the info seems all over the place (much like SXM, I know lol) so I thought I'd post the questions that are specific to my situation. Thanks for any and all info!