Series S fps and graphical performance update for those who asked
So I got a key and for some reason I can already play on my Xbox Series S. When I started a game, I was a bit worried about performance on this console. First video intro was a bit laggy it was 60 fps all the time, but it dropped for few secs like to 15 fps, it happened just 2 times and only in first intro. When the actual gameplay started I was shocked. The game locked on 60 FPS, CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? No frame drops in 1,5 hours of playing, it’s smooth, cutscenes also 60 fps no drops. Atmosphere is fucking crazy, I was immersed from the 1 second, playing on the hardest difficulty actually scary(almost pissed myself one time). Also already encountered A life 2.0. Graphics are amazing it may be the best graphics I have ever seen in a game, and I am playing on fucking Series S, guys who will be playing on Series X and good end PC I will feel like in Paradise. And I played Rdr2 on this console I know what I am talking about, personally Stalker optimised way better than Rdr2 for me. Overall in my opinion if Stalker 2 could participate in GOTY awards this year it would 100% win it, I am impressed with Series S optimization CGS did impossible and I have nothing but respect. I have some questions to some aspects of the game that I wish were done differently but it is wat it is. If you have any questions, ask I will answer them without any spoilers.
Edit: Forgot to mention, lighting is a bit poor. Screenshots proof in one of the comments below Edit 2: sorry silly me. Sound is amazing every object every centimetre of ground has its own sound effect when you touch something, when you step on something. Sounds of mutants end people actually feels like you are there and they are around you.