Are there any witches in southern UT?
While most my posts in this community have been about our local protests, there is a human behind this screen and I'm a semi-novice witch in the modern spiritualism sense. I was wondering if there are any covens (or people interested in forming a coven) around here because it would be nice to have a social element to my spiritual practice again.
A little more about me (because I assume different covens may look for specific types of people): I am 25(F) living with my bf(25M) who is a chill Hindu guy. I was born in Logan, UT and raised in the LDS Church but after living in 5 states and 3 countries, I kinda found a different path. Part of my deviation from Mormonism is that I am bisexual and struggle with severe mental illness. I am not ashamed of who I am or going to therapy or the fact that I "broke covenants." I know I am a good person and those who interact with me see that. In my free time, I do art (occasionally for commission), mostly as a coping mechanism for the aforementioned mental health struggles. I started practicing witchcraft a few years ago and still don't do a whole lot of dirty work, but I love the feeling of channeling the energy of multiple correspondences (herbs, crystal, spell "ingredients") into an intentional energy shift. I'm open to almost all practices that are open to me and identify somewhat as a chaos witch, but I don't want to pick a label prematurely.