The question..why did you stop?

I've been asked it a few times in 10 months. Last night was at a work party.Just rolled straight off my tongue ' I wanted more energy, it screwed with my sleep and made me feel depressed' there really is no reply other than positives to this and I got ' yeah that's really good, I'm considering packing it up in NY because it makes my anxiety worse there isn't really a need for it is there' me ' nope, no need I'm feeling way better'. A cool little interaction,moved on swiftly.

Edit: I will read all of the responses, apologies if I can't respond to everyone but to me it goes to show how powerful a space this sub is. Thank you for sharing 💜 Here we can be honest amongst others who understand and do not judge. I come here everyday and this safe space truly helps me with my sobriety.
The answers range greatly but one common point shines through when each of us got to the point of change for ourselves that is the start of summoning strength, which in many cases felt like all had been extinguished by alcohol, but we are here rebuilding our lives making them better for ourselves and our loved ones. I wish everyone a sober, peaceful and happy Christmas x IWNDWYT.