If you could go back and never be an alcoholic would you?

I was thinking of this. I haven’t horribly ruined anything but I’ve drank everyday for years. I’ve been on the quitting train now and it’s going okay, my biggest upset is that I haven’t done this sooner and all the years I wasted and potential.

I’m trying to comfort myself and say that there are some benefits to having once drank like I did, mostly seeing it now I don’t want to drink again ever, not on the weekends, not 1-2 on a Tuesday baseball game. I appreciate sobriety a lot and I don’t think I would if I hadn’t been addicted. I could see myself falling into the trap of drinking every Friday with friends and ruining my weekend hungover. Now I don’t even drink at parties and still enjoy them a lot.

I think over all the experience has made me much more appreciative of life, but fortunately like I said I haven’t messed anything up too bad. I also feel like I have some drive and willpower that I get from staying sober. It’s like having been in the addiction, now being sober and level headed seems more clear then I remember it and I feel like I must make each day meaningful.

EDIT/UPDATE: I read all comments. I understand all sides of the answers and all the stories have really helped me. Thank you all so much!