Wondering if my son's black belt test requirements are more than the average test

My son, whos 9 and two belts away from black belt testing eligibility, has these requirements for and leading up to his black belt.

A four mile run done in a certain short timeframe, 200 pushups and situps, an hour long meditation with no movement allowed at all, holding a full squat for 2 minutes, and multiple rounds of sparring.

In addition to this, he has the typical requirements like demonstrating all forms, kicks, and rolls from the previous belts. He's also been learning a very lengthy list (50 words) of korean vocabulary since white belt that he needs to repeat.

He also needs to participate in two official tournaments, two seminars, do 20 hours of service in the dojo (such as helping teach classes, cleaning etc.), do community service and write an essay about his experience, and write an additional essay on all he's learned in taekwondo and why he believes he deserves to be a black belt.

His instructor is amazing and i'm so happy they take things seriously, but after googling some things as i sit here making a vocab refresher list for him, i'm realizing most schools only really do the forms and situps/pushups plus a short run. They've participated in the olympics a few times and are always pushing for the kids to be olympic level, so i'm assuming the list of requirements might be so long because of this.

Just wondering what other dojangs do for kids black belt testing!