Girlfriends dad walked in on us cuddling, kicked me out

I (14M) and my girlfriend (14F) have been dating for around a month now, and we have been friends for over 5 years. Her parents know about us being together, but her dad doesn’t like the fact that we like to cuddle or hold hands or anything.

Today, we had just gotten done playing outside with her siblings and we went inside to wind down. We laid down, talked, and started to fall asleep in eachothers arms, when her dad walked in. He called my name loudly and said “You gotta go.” in a serious tone. my gf had that look in her eyes that essentially mean “we’re fucked”. Im walking home right now (9pm) and im scared because i really value our relationship and i love spending time with her siblings as well. I cant contact my girlfriend either (no phone). Im scared, not only for us, but for myself. her dads a nice guy, treats me like one of his own but i dont know what to do. any advice?

If im being vague in some parts please feel free to ask for more information