The 2024 Presidential Election - Status Update

Good morning everyone,

In terms of updates on 2024: Divided States of America, I don't really have much to share or show at this moment. Progress is coming along well, probably over the 75% mark, but I'm using a bit of "fuzzy math" while doing that. Could be 80+%. Could be less.

But in terms of the Biden/Harris side, there's not a crazy amount of stuff left to do. I'm afraid I can't share a release date for the CYOA-filled vision of the 2024 election. Yep, as of now, I don't have a set release date for 2024: Divided States of America, the biggest portion of The 2024 Presidential Election TCT mod. (Do you all see where I'm going with this?)

However, after some debate and discussion, we've decided that the non-CYOA version, 2024 Classic/Bryanesque, is in a finished state and can be released. Pending some balancing, bugfixes, and other stuff, the plan is to release this portion of the mod tomorrow on both New Campaign Trail and Campaign Trail Showcase. Wow! What?

Okay, so let me explain what this version is: It's Kamala Harris vs. Donald Trump, there's no CYOA, no massive ending slides, just pure campaign trail. Classic, Bryan-esque gameplay. Just like 1876, you can choose between 25 random questions, or the full experience. Each candidate has four running mates, and you pick them at the start of the game. We plan on some achievements being on CTS as well, and I am hoping to have a system in place so that both versions of the mod have different competition rates for you achievement hunters.

Is it crazy, 𝚆. or American Carnage level gameplay? Nope, and it's not trying to be. That's what 2024: Divided States is meant to be, and that's not done yet!

In terms of relation between 2024 "Classic" and 2024: Divided States, there is question overlap, but I don't think it's as large of an overlap as I would have expected, and some less major events get a chance to shine thanks to randomized questions. That's part of the reason it's taken so long to produce this mod.

Play as Harris and attempt to prove America is \"not going back\"...

...or play as Trump and storm back into the White House. Can you outdo his winning margin?

As I said, I don't have a release date, but you'll know the rest of 2024, the Divided States of America portion is available when the icon on both NCT and CTS turns into a .gif file, like so.

Of course, I'll also make the news clear in an announcement post like this one - my ego wouldn't let me just shadow drop it. Hopefully we won't have to wait too long for another update, but work and school take absolute priority here. Do you all know what a thesis is? They're making me write 70 pages about foreign policy. It's crazy. Can't recommend it. Truly insane.

I hope you all are excited for 2024 - Classic being released soon! Stay tuned for updates on Divided States of America as well, and have a great day!

- Astro