TIFU by leaving my contact in for a week

Last Thursday, I (19F) was in bed and I rubbed my eyes. I didn’t think anything of it until I went to take out my contacts for the night and, lo and behold, I can’t feel anything in my left eye. I was pinching my eyeball and I only realized that there was nothing there when it hurt. I decide that I must have accidentally pushed it out when I was rubbing my eyes. Womp womp, but not a big deal because my other eye has the stronger prescription anyways. I love to complain, so I immediately complain to my roommate when I get back into my room (dorm). I’m searching my sheets but I don’t find anything, and I decide that I’m not going to find anything because it’s literally a clear contact.

I complain to my mom and sister that I’m missing a contact, but that I can’t replace it with another from the box because I only have four weeks left of contacts (biweekly’s). It’s not that big of a problem I’ve been on spring break this week. I’ve been living my life since last Thursday with only one contact in. My left eye sometimes feels like there’s something in it, like an eyelash, but the feeling goes away when I rub my eye. Maybe it’s just allergies. I feel like my vision is getting rapidly worse every night, and that’s alarming, but I don’t say anything because I can’t get an eye appointment until April anyways (insurance). At last, this last Thursday, yesterday, comes, and I can finally change out my contacts for new ones. I put in the left one with no issue—nothing feels out of the ordinary.

I take a shower this morning. Everything is fine—until I’m about to get out. There is for sure something in my eye and it’s not an eyelash and no matter how much I rub, it’s not fixing itself. I get out of the shower, look in the mirror, and what do I see? A CONTACT. I open my case, to be sure that I didn’t just leave it in last night, and both contacts I wore yesterday are in the case! I take it out of my eye and just stare at it in disbelief. I don’t know what pocket dimension-shadow realm I sent it to when I rubbed my eye, but it has been in there for the ENTIRE week. I have been sleeping with it in every night, I have been showering with it every day—I genuinely do not know how it hasn’t gotten infected. I’ve accidentally napped in my contacts before and woke up feeling like my eyelids were glued shut. I don’t even know how it’s possible that I didn’t notice it for a WEEK.

TL;DR I thought I accidentally took out my contact, but it’s been living in my eyeball (rent-free) for the last week.