invisible string theory?

this might get taken down bc there’s technically a rule broken in it but I digress. so last night, I was in a rough ceo and I noticed one toon green while ceo was blinking and ceo died legit one squirt after so I saw him in the playground after we finished and friended him made small talk about how it was bogus he greened right at the end.

anyways, we friended and started to do other buildings and were talking about the weather conditions where we lived come to find out we are from the same state. to skip to the point I found out that he’s the brother of one of my old co workers/friends who was murdered three years ago.

And to make matters weirder that was his first time logging on in 5 years. just thought it was a strange coincidence with how small this community is but everything happens for a reason! happy to have made friends off this game.