Trakt Downtime Official Update
2022-12-20 10:50 PST
Trakt API Online
The Trakt API is back online and running at full speed. All 3rd party apps will now work. If you see any errors in an app, re-authenticate your Trakt account and it should work.
2022-12-19 13:50 PST
Watched History Recovery Data
We recovered over 57 million plays added between Nov 7 and Dec 11. Please visit to review and import your recovered plays.
2022-12-16 12:10 PST
Website Back Online
The Trakt website and Plex scrobbler are back online! We'll be closely monitoring the servers and database while things re-cache and ramp up. Trakt API will be turned on next week. Please read the dashboard ( notice when signed into the website.
2022-12-15 11:05 PST
Earlier this week, we restored a full database backup from Nov 7 as the starting point. We’ve incrementally imported data from Nov 7 up until the database crashed on Dec 11. There is data corruption, but we’ve recovered a good percentage thus far. Watched history is the largest dataset still importing. We’re forumulating a plan to bring the website online first, followed by the API.
2022-12-14 22:22 PST
Data restore is still ongoing. It’s slow, but promising. Scheduled tasks like TMDB metadata and watch now links are running so the site will be up to date when it’s back online. We’ll have a more detailed update tomorrow.
2022-12-14 11:05 PST
We've been able to partially restore user data and are working on completing that process. Metadata has been refreshed and will continue to keep the movies/shows in sync with TMDB. We need updated metadata so that restored user data can match up correctly. Existing Trakt IDs have been retained.
2022-12-13 15:19 PST
We were able to restore a baseline database backup & are importing data added between that backup & Dec 11. First up is refreshing TV show & movie metadata. We're currently working on the user data. There is some corruption, but we're working to save all that we can.
We started posting these updates on our status page too.
Original Message
On Dec 11 at 7:30 PST, our main database crashed & corrupted some of the data. This is unplanned & we've been working around the clock to restore it. It's a painstakingly slow process given the scale of data. We unfortunately have no ETA but we're doing everything we can.