does the driver get the waiting fee?

I’m so confused as to why this happened otherwise but let me explain what happened:

i work at an airport late at night, im on my way home in my bus route and my connecting bus is running 20 minutes behind and i decide i wanna get home asap. i call an uber and it just so happens to be someone in the gas station across the street from me. I just assume that they’re getting gas and to let them finish while it says on the way. it didn’t change for a good few minutes and then changed to here. i nearly immediately texted them “hey is this you in the gas station, i just want to make sure before i cross the road.” and it takes a sec but then i get a read receipt and they just don’t respond. i cross the street and see who i assumed was the driver currently pumping gas so i just run back across to wait for them. My assumptions were right bc they make the most complicated turn to get to my side of the road, but whatever i get in, trip is fine. i got home not too long ago and see i was charged a waiting fee for the entire time they had been pumping gas. i contacted support and immediately got a refund, i don’t know if its bc i complained or they saw i reached out to them with no response. i just don’t know why someone would intentionally do that for no reward? but i also wonder if it was maybe some sort of accident.