Great Albums Almost Ruined By One Track...

Anyone else have an album that's basically all bangers... Except for one track which is just a heinous assault on the ears?

Well I now do... My newest arrival "Tasmanian Glow" by Strawberry Girls is a mostly instrumental upbeat math-rock affair which is right up my alley...

I say "mostly instrumental" because there are 2 vocal tunes on this album, both of which are incongruous but to different degrees. The first vocal track is actually very good, the female vocalist has a really good voice and the tune kinda fits with the rest of the album.

The other track is horrible. It's like a cheesy 90s euro boy band or something, I mean, really really awful.

It nearly put me off buying the record, but luckily the offending song is the last track so doesn't ruin the listening experience (as long as I remember to leap and stop it playing after the penultimate track)