What would you want to share with non-widowed people?

I have been thinking about this for a long time and I do believe we all need to learn and share more about grief. It is so powerful and strong and I knew nothing of grief before this so I often share with my friends.

I don't want to scare them or make them uncomfortable, I just want them to be aware and maybe help them in their conversations with their partners and maybe even help them have those conversations if they have not started.

Aside from that, one thing I would like to share from my own experience that I somewhat struggled with is that relationships don't need to be 50-50 on everything.

Some things are 80-20, some are 40-60, some are 100-0.

Yes, I know, it is not about the number or the %, I am just using this as an example, yet, I don't know if you you get what I mean?

Looking back, I see now this maybe was the source of some arguements and mostly now I see how little it mattered.

I would say don't spend time on the things that don't matter and hold eachother tight, life is short.

Do you have any thoughts on this?