Personal belongings | The dipper

I was about to take a bath, when I noticed that I can't find the dipper (thing we used when bathing, to get water from the pail). I panicked, and contacted my brother and sister to ask them if they saw it. My brother's workers apparently used it and he wasn't able to return it where it was supposed to be placed.

The dipper was one of the things my husband and I bought. It is important for me that I keep all the things he or we owned how petty it may it be, to keep his memory and remind me of him everyday. I have no plans to give anything away at this point. He's still part of me and continues to live in my heart. I still want to honor him, and I'd like to move forward with my life with him still in it may it be in remembrance every day. I am alone, we don't have kids and barely have friends, he's the only one I got and it's hard that he passed away.