Past tense of the English verb sew

I was speaking yesterday with a person for whom English is not their first language. She was speaking to me about a seamstress, and she used the word “sewed.” She then asked me for clarification that she was saying her sentence correctly, as she often does. I thought and then told her that I believe it is correct but that I was not sure because the word sounded odd to me. So I spoke with several other people, and I also asked ChatGPT and apparently the word is correct. Sewed. 🤢 Are there any other opinions on this word? My preference would be to rephrase any sentence which requires this word to a past participle of has so. if possible! Because the word sewed sounds like something a hick from the southern US would say. Mind you, I am from the southern US and try not to have an accent. So I believe that I may be overly sensitive to things which make me sound like a backwoods hillbilly. And I believe that sewed is one of those words!