Favorite Amity Episode?
Currently on ITF3/COTC1, what should I invest in? Starred are already 30/trueformed
What's your name with these characters
You [fluff]ing got this bro
Caption this image.
What did I obliterate?
Bro I keep getting legend rares
Pick 2 and I'll give you a spell
so, how do u call [fluff] ing kasli the bane?
Favorite character(s) that’s a swordsman?
This is easy af
Who should i tf or uf next ?
Which anime cliché annoys you the most?
Ask me anything and I'll do my best to reply accurately as Murder!Sans
[fluff] i actually feel bad for that sub
Favorite childlike character?
My uncle attempts to guess Undertale characters again
What’s your name without these letters. Mine is ⌫
Favorite character you'd be willing to ruin your life for?
What are the red lines on the Ghastling's texture?
What's a popular anime you don't like?
Favorite character that you just can't accept people being horny for? (no, it doesn't have to be fair)
Favorite crazy / insane character?