Do you have the capacity to take somebodies life, if so under what circumstance/s?
Kenyan special operations
How would you fix the housing crisis?
Why do parents allow their adult children to be homeless?
ULPT Request: What genuine illness/injury can I get/fake to skip graduation?
Americas best option was neither Trump nor Kamala. They massively fall short!
What should the optimum level of income tax be?
How different would the British economy be today if Margaret Thatcher was never Prime Minister?
Madness at the NSE
On a budget of 250K or less, what bike can i buy for an office commute for two and casual weekend rides ?
Should Euthanasia be encouraged and become more socially acceptable?
My opinion on Kenya and Kenyans as someone very well travelled
Why does Africa have very few extreme weather events?
Dear Americans, why do you keep building your homes from Wood?
A special unit of the Kenya Police raiding the house of political dissident/billionaire Jimmy Wanjigi. The woman recording is his wife.
"Nothing in Africa is better than America"
What is the Sexual Health Status' of Medium to High-End Escorts and Brothels in Kenya?
What airline is this? (Wrong answers only)
If resource-rich countries were no longer exploited, how would the global standard of living and prices be affected?
How corrupt is the Olympics?
How would the world be today if we never left the gold standard?
I feel once you experience depression, even when you heal its so easy to fall back into it, even when faced with mild issues. Am I right?
Rate my Pylote
People who have "Everything or Alot" and are still unhappy or dissatisfied with life. Why?
When countries borrow trillions of dollars, who are they borrowing from?