Is this normal?
What specie is it ?
This dude is a certified creep
Want shiny lucky Magikarp, offering shiny Xerneas, Yveltal, or Zamazenta. Cannot fly.
Protest in Greenland today
What is this freeloader next to my chili plant?
Can't fly. Really want a shiny Magikarp. Offering shiny Natu or shiny Meditite or shiny Lugia.
Every time I tap on a Magikarp I pray it’s a shiny 😭
I don't know what distro to go for?
What’s wrong with my seedlings and how do I save them?! Reapers, Bell, and Jalapeño Peppers
February 8 put in the starters, germinated at different times obviously. Excited for the new season!
1/2 red boat, 1/2 vinegar, garlic and chiles
Why is my Serrano being weird?
Installing SteamOS on a Zephyrus G14 2022 laptop (all AMD)
When is the best time to start "working" a plant from seed?
Calorina reapers progress
Root bound or OK?
Problem with three plants
Are there cities in Europe that are both wealthy and have mild, sunny weather?
Ghost or Habanero?
I have been frugal the last 20 years, and now I am questioning if I was right
Christian Gnostic Creed