she’s 4 today 🥳
Is disliking dogs a red flag?
Give me a number 1-3552 and I will give you a song
If everyone else is the problem, then maybe you’re the problem.
I'm efilist but i'm tired of violent pictures and videos on this subreddit
Metal is a spectrum, where are you on the spectrum?,
You are the worst
Would you find this creepy or flattering?
Obey the President. What is it?
How would you react if a girl had self harm scars?
Has Eleine gotten better?
Do you have anything that triggers unpleasant memories of OCD?
Cishet men be like
Lesbian metal/rock music
i wanna rip out my ugly dark brown eyes
I think moving from a deficit-based understanding of autism to whatever "neurodiversity" is was ultimately a mistake.
Tarja and Marko are coming to my town, what songs can I expect from them?
My updated ranking of all 10 Nightwish albums
Some very gay art I made recently
Is it ok not to disclose that I am trans if I pass and have done bottom surgery while dating?
What is something you regret about losing a close friend?
Which fictional Characters would go hard as frontmen?
Better Dead Than Different
NT autism parents caring more about themselves…
What food are metal genres?