I feel like "We Are Young" by fun. is getting a retroactive bad rep that it doesn't deserve.
Artists who don't like music
Any metal bands that use Les Paul?
So I watched There Will be Blood yesterday and I’m not able to come out of it. Is there a movie you’d say would be a great follow up
What are your favorite 5 album runs in metal?
How long before the poptimism bubble bursts?
Scorsese not on decade of dreams
This is my trilogy. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
My collection
I’m a simple guy: I see a jukebox at a bar, I play One In A Million
Albums that used to be highly acclaimed but are now forgotten?
What's your favorite weird, novelty band?
What's your most controversial "X is actually the director's best film" take?
Do your worst. 😆
Beginners almost always start with these first three albums, what comes next?
Was Tony really as racist as he made himself out to be?
Your Roxborough Bumper Sticker of the day
Split shaft tuners are better than locking tuners.... there I said it
He's dead
Which film's sequel completely changed the tone of the original?
For black people,what was your experice going to metal concerts?
People actually like this stuff ?!?!
When did we start collectively using the word ‘franchise’ instead of ‘series’?
Every rich person has their fictional villain counterpart.
Can we talk about (earlier) Kings of Leon for a second?